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N. N.


N. N.
Administration Region Kassel
Tel.: +49 69 976518-11

Uli Baege


Uli Baege
Development and Partnership Africa
Tel.: +49 69 976518-33

 Uli  Baege


Born 1983 in Bad Nauheim, Hesse.

2004 - 2005 and 2006 - 2010 Studies at the Philipps University of Marburg, Magister Artium (M.A.) European Ethnology/Cultural Studies, Peace and Conflict Studies and Social Ethics

2015 - 2018 Studies at the FOM - University of Applied Sciences for Economics & Management in Cologne, Master of Arts (M.A.) Business Administration

02/2011 - 12/2022 United Evangelical Mission (UEM) Wuppertal, Officer for Partnerships and Projects - Department for Africa,

  • Deputy Head of the Department for Africa
  • Coordination and support of a network of 70 partnership groups at church district and parish level. Counselling, support, strengthening and qualification of volunteers
  • Planning, organisation and implementation of adult education seminars and international conferences
  • Project management, including the further development of internal standards and training concepts for the allocation of project funds: Strengthening the "Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (PMEAL)" approach
  • and much more.

02/2023 - 12/2023 Deputy Managing Director of the Medical Ethics Committee of the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg

  • Advising medical doctors and scientists on issues relating to clinical trials
  • Preliminary review of applications and supplements to applications, coordination and monitoring of business processes within legally prescribed processing deadlines in cooperation with project leaders, sponsors, participating ethics committees and authorities

Daniel Happel


Daniel Happel
Development and Partnership Asia
Tel.: +49 69 976518-34

Pastor Dr. Jörg Bickelhaupt


Pastor Dr. Jörg Bickelhaupt
Interdenominational Affairs
Tel.: +49 69 976518-23

Pastor Dr. Jörg  Bickelhaupt


Born 1960 in Darmstadt.

Pastor of the Evangelical Church in Hesse and Nassau, ordination 1987.

Since September 2000, representative/speaker for interdenominational issues at the Center for Ecumenism of the EKHN (since May 2015 at the joint Center for Ecumenism of the EKHN and EKKW) in Frankfurt/Main.

Doctorate in 2014 at the University of Heidelberg with a thesis on "Baptism, Faith, Spirit - a contribution to the recent inner-evangelical discussion" („Taufe, Glaube, Geist – ein Beitrag zur neueren innerevangelischen Diskussion“).

Ritva Prinz


Ritva Prinz
Administration churches, religions and world views
Tel.: +49 69 976518-21

 Ritva  Prinz

Ulrike Bohländer


Ulrike Bohländer
Public Relations
Tel.: +49 69 976518-16

 Ulrike  Bohländer

Pastor Joachim Bundschuh


Pastor Joachim Bundschuh
International Congregations
Tel.: +49 69 976518-55

Pastor Joachim  Bundschuh

Paola Fabbri Lipsch


Paola Fabbri Lipsch
Intercultural and diversity education
Tel.: +49 69 976518-66

 Paola  Fabbri Lipsch

Simone Arians


Simone Arians
Administration Bread for the World
Tel.: +49 69 976518-35

 Simone  Arians

Claudia Hadj Said


Claudia Hadj Said
Public Relations Bread for the World
Tel.: +49 69 976518-25

 Claudia  Hadj Said

Christina Schnepel


Christina Schnepel
Development and Partnership Europe and USA, „Hoffnung für Osteuropa“
Tel.: +49 69 976518-32

 Christina  Schnepel


Christina Schnepel was born in Marburg and studied protestant theology in Marburg, Basel and Hamburg. She spent a year studying in Rome. She was a parish priest in Zierenberg and Burghasungen (Hofgeismar-Wolfhagen church district, Evangelical Church of Kurhessen-Waldeck, EKKW) and worked in the Liturgical Chamber of the EKKW. She then spent six years as an EKD foreign pastor for the German-speaking Protestant community at the German Embassy in Moscow. After returning to Germany, she spent two years as a commissioner for refugees and migration for the Evangelical Church of Kurhessen-Waldeck at Diakonie Hessen before joining the Evangelical Academy Hofgeismar as Director of Studies. She is currently a member of the Chamber for Mission and Ecumenism of the Protestant Church of Hesse and Nassau (EKHN).

Since November 2022, she has been a consultant for development and partnership in Europe and the USA at the Ecumenical Centre, as well as for advising, supporting and managing the EKHN and EKKW ‘Hope for Eastern Europe’ campaign.

Pastor Dr. Andreas Goetze


Pastor Dr. Andreas Goetze
Interreligious Affairs – Islam
Tel.: +49 69 976518-69

Ute Hirsch


Ute Hirsch
Administration Director and Management
Tel.: +49 69 976518-14

 Ute  Hirsch

Julia Houben


Julia Houben
Managing Director
Tel.: +49 69 976518-12

 Julia  Houben

Pastor Detlev Knoche


Pastor Detlev Knoche
Tel.: +49 69 976518-13

Pastor Detlev  Knoche

Pastor Oliver Koch


Pastor Oliver Koch
Worldview and New Religious Movements
Tel.: +49 69 976518-42

Pastor Oliver  Koch


Born 1972 in Kassel.

Studied Protestant theology and religious studies at the Friedrich Alexander University in Erlangen / Nuremberg and the Philipps University in Marburg.

Vicariate in Schweinsberg.

Chaplain at the Vitos Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Haina (monastery) and parish priest in Haina (monastery).

Parish priest in Großseelheim near Marburg.

Since 2013 consultant for worldview issues at the Center Oekumene.

Further education in psychiatric pastoral care, systemic pastoral care, KSA (clinical pastoral care training, DgfP), long-term training "Curriculum Weltanschauungsfragen".

2020-2022 In-service training as a psychological counselor (DGBB).

Marta Lemańska


Marta Lemańska
Tel.: +49 69 976518-15

 Marta  Lemańska

Brigitte Molter


Brigitte Molter
Bread for the World and Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe
Tel.: +49 69 976518-90

 Brigitte  Molter

Pastor Bernd Müller


Pastor Bernd Müller
Church Partnership Relati ons EKKW
Tel.: +49 561 9378-388

Pastor Bernd  Müller

Pastor Sabine Müller-Langsdorf


Pastor Sabine Müller-Langsdorf
Peace work, Vice Director
Tel.: +49 69 976518-56

Pastor Sabine  Müller-Langsdorf

Pastor Dr. Peter Noss


Pastor Dr. Peter Noss
Interreligious Affairs – Judaism and Near East
Tel.: +49 69 976518-22

Pastor Dr. Peter  Noss


Born 1963

1983-1985 Civilian service

1986-1995 Studies in Bochum, Heidelberg, Berlin

1995 Employee "Institute Church and Judaism" Berlin

1995-1998 Vicariate in Berlin and Washington D.C.

1998-2000 Pastor in Unna, Evangelical Church of Westphalia (EKvW)

2000-2004 Research Assistant Ruhr-University Bochum (Project Religions in the Ruhr Area)

2005-2017 Pastor in Bochum and Gelsenkirchen, EKvW

2017-2021 Consultant for Ecumenism and Dialogue, Deanery Wetterau, Protestant Church in Hesse and Nassau (EKHN)

since 2022 Consultant for Interreligious Dialogue with a focus on Judaism and the Middle East at the Center for Ecumenism

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Martina Schreiber


Martina Schreiber
Administration Peace, Global Learning, Church Development Service, Partnership Europe and SA
Tel.: +49 69 976518-53

 Martina  Schreiber

Dr. Anna Dobelmann


Dr. Anna Dobelmann
Global Learning
Tel.: +49 69 976518-52

Dr. Anna  Dobelmann

Tzehaie Semere


Tzehaie Semere
Church Development Service, ABP
Tel.: +49 69 976518-36

Annette Wiech


Annette Wiech
Administration Development and Partnership, ABP
Tel.: +49 69 976518-31

Daniel Untch


Daniel Untch
Peace education
Tel.: +49 69 976518-58

 Daniel  Untch


Daniel Untch studied political science and holds a master's degree in peace and conflict studies.
After his studies, he first worked as a consultant at the Protestant Working Group for Conscientious Objection and Peace in Bonn before becoming a consultant for peace work at the Catholic peace movement pax christi in the dioceses of Limburg and Mainz.

In this function he dealt with the topic of peace in many different ways. For example, he was involved in regional activities against arms exports, co-organized the ecumenical campaign Wanderfriedenskerze (Wandering Peace Candle), and was involved in the campaign "Menschenrecht statt Moria" (Human Rights instead of Moria), which campaigned for refugees from the camps at the EU's external borders to be accepted in Germany.

After graduating from high school, Daniel Untch spent 2010/11 in Bolivia as part of a voluntary social year. There he worked as an English teacher in different parts of the country. In addition, together with other volunteers, he organized a place for children to play and learn, including homework help. His time in Bolivia had a lasting impact on him and sensitized him to issues of global justice.

As a consultant for peace education, Daniel Untch is the contact person for questions of peace ethics and non-violent action for church congregations, church groups and institutions, schools and other interested parties at the Center for Ecumenism.
He is in charge of the exhibition "Frieden geht anders" ("Peace is different"), and is the contact person for the topics of arms exports, the "Unter 18 nie!" ("Never under 18!") campaign, and for counseling on conscientious objection.
Daniel Untch is currently developing content on the connection between climate justice and peace.

Krystyna Bredel


Krystyna Bredel
Tel.: +49 69 976518-45

 Krystyna  Bredel

Pfarrerin Ulrike Schweiger de Sepúlveda


Pfarrerin Ulrike Schweiger de Sepúlveda
Church Partnership Relations EKKW
Tel.: +49 69 976518-88

Pfarrerin Ulrike  Schweiger de Sepúlveda