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Commitment to peace and reconciliation

The commitment to peace and reconciliation belongs in the midst of the life and witness of the Church. The Ecumenical  Centre supports congregations, initiatives, schools, organizations and individuals.

We provide materials for worship services and peace prayers, for  events in congregations and classes. Our speakers organize lectures and panel discussions and prepare exhibitions and film series. We provide information about opportunities to participate in peace or voluntary services. We invite people to learn methods of civil conflict management such as mediation or dispute resolution and to contain violence without military means. We also advise women and men who are considering conscientious objection.

Peace education

"They will no longer train for war anymore!" The vision of the prophet Isaiah (Is.2,4) knows about the necessity of peace building on all levels of church actions. We offer exhibitions on non-violent conflict resolution, events on civil crisis prevention and cooperate with associations and institutes that offer non-violent training and qualifications for the educational sector.

  • Exhibition
  • Series of events in Civil Peace Prevention
  • Advanced training in non-violent action and qualification as a peace specialist


Pastor Sabine Müller-Langsdorf Peace work, Vice Director
Tel.: +49 69 976518-56

Martina Schreiber Administration Peace, Global Learning, Church Development Service, Partnership Europe and SA
Tel.: +49 69 976518-53

Daniel Untch Peace education
Tel.: +49 69 976518-58