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Ecumenism international

There are over two billion Christians worldwide. The network that connects the Evangelic Church in Germany (EKD) with other churches worldwide spans the entire globe. It cooperates with almost 350 Christian churches in the World Council of Churches. It is a member of many ecumenical bodies and maintains special relations with churches in Europe and individual countries. This becomes very concrete in the German-speaking congregations abroad, in which about 120 pastors work.

Pastors in churches worldwide

Pastors and vicars in the „Spezialvikariat“ (EKHN) are active in various churches and organisations worldwide. Here you can learn more about their exciting ecumenical experiences.

If you yourself are interested in such an activity, we will be happy to advise you.

Pastors are currently working in Chile, China, Israel/Palestine, Singapore, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland and at the CPCE in Vienna.

Vicars are also abroad for a „Spezialvikariat“ (EKHN).