The corona pandemic has become a global crisis and presents us all with unexpected challenges.
From our partner churches and international dialogue partners around the world, we receive threatening news, but also signs of solidarity and encouraging e-mails.
"Together we will get through this!" "Together we bring our worries and hopes before God!" This has encouraged us - the Centre for Ecumenism of the Protestant Churches in Hesse and Nassau and of Kurhesse-Waldeck and the Missionary Ecumenical Service of the Protestant Church of the Palatinate - to take part in this campaign.
This prayer is now available in more than 20 different Asian, African and European languages; more are in preparation.
We pray it in the evening, when at 7:30 pm in Germany the bells ring and we light a candle, put it in the window, think of the people worldwide who are suffering from this crisis and fear for their existence. We send the prayer out into the world to our partner churches and dialogue partners and ask them to join this action: We may be separated spatially, but we are spiritually united - let us show this!
Everyone is invited to join in.
Pastor Detlev Knoche
Tel.: +49 69 976518-13
Ulrike Bohländer
Public Relations
Tel.: +49 69 976518-16