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Pastor Oliver Koch


Pastor Oliver Koch
Worldview and New Religious Movements
Tel.: +49 69 976518-42

Pastor Oliver  Koch


Born 1972 in Kassel.

Studied Protestant theology and religious studies at the Friedrich Alexander University in Erlangen / Nuremberg and the Philipps University in Marburg.

Vicariate in Schweinsberg.

Chaplain at the Vitos Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Haina (monastery) and parish priest in Haina (monastery).

Parish priest in Großseelheim near Marburg.

Since 2013 consultant for worldview issues at the Center Oekumene.

Further education in psychiatric pastoral care, systemic pastoral care, KSA (clinical pastoral care training, DgfP), long-term training "Curriculum Weltanschauungsfragen".

2020-2022 In-service training as a psychological counselor (DGBB).