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Christina Schnepel


Christina Schnepel
Development and Partnership Europe and USA, „Hoffnung für Osteuropa“
Tel.: +49 69 976518-32

 Christina  Schnepel


Christina Schnepel was born in Marburg and studied protestant theology in Marburg, Basel and Hamburg. She spent a year studying in Rome. She was a parish priest in Zierenberg and Burghasungen (Hofgeismar-Wolfhagen church district, Evangelical Church of Kurhessen-Waldeck, EKKW) and worked in the Liturgical Chamber of the EKKW. She then spent six years as an EKD foreign pastor for the German-speaking Protestant community at the German Embassy in Moscow. After returning to Germany, she spent two years as a commissioner for refugees and migration for the Evangelical Church of Kurhessen-Waldeck at Diakonie Hessen before joining the Evangelical Academy Hofgeismar as Director of Studies. She is currently a member of the Chamber for Mission and Ecumenism of the Protestant Church of Hesse and Nassau (EKHN).

Since November 2022, she has been a consultant for development and partnership in Europe and the USA at the Ecumenical Centre, as well as for advising, supporting and managing the EKHN and EKKW ‘Hope for Eastern Europe’ campaign.